HDF-EOS Overview

Tip: For information on the current HDF-EOS version, enter the following at the IDL prompt:

HELP, 'hdf', /DLM

HDF-EOS (Hierarchical Data Format-Earth Observing System) is an extension of NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) HDF and uses HDF calls as an underlying basis. This API contains functionality for creating, accessing and manipulating Grid, Point and Swath structures.

IDL’s HDF-EOS routines all begin with the prefix "EOS_".

Programming Model



Note: When writing an HDF-EOS object, be sure to detach the object before attaching it for the first time. This will initialize the library for the new object. The object will not be written correctly if the above model is not followed.

Feature Routines

HDF-EOS is an extension of NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) HDF and uses HDF calls as an underlying basis. This API contains functionality for creating, accessing and manipulating Grid, Point and Swath structures.

The Grid interface is designed to support data that has been stored in a rectilinear array based on a well-defined and explicitly supported projection.

Tips on writing a grid:

The Point interface is designed to support data that has associated geolocation information, but is not organized in any well-defined spatial or temporal way.

Tips on writing a point:

The Swath interface is tailored to support time-oriented data such as satellite swaths (which consist of a time-oriented series of scanlines), or profilers (which consist of a time-oriented series of profiles).

Tips on writing a swath: